January 08, 2012

Did you know?

Your hair shrinks in winter.

Cold dry air outside, warm dry air indoors; this seasonal pincer movement rips the moisture from the hairshaft leaving it thin, brittle and up to 3% shorter. Dryness also makes hair less flexible and difficult to manage. We wanted to test the amazing moisturising qualities of our 3 More Inches Treatment System in one of nature’s coldest driest toughest environments; 8000ft up and -25˚C at the glorious Amangani in Jackson Hole...

Top Travel Destination

Steeped in Zen stillness and vast majestic landscapes, the Amangani in Jackson Hole enters my top five world picks. Arriving pre beginning of the ski season meant a wonderfully quiet resort and a hotel where we really were home alone for half our stay –except the 50 staff to look after us.

On one evening they had their own Xmas staff party event in the town which left 40 rooms to ourselves in this vast log and stone mountain mansion with just two staff. Jack Nicholson in The Shining did cross my mind.

Highlight has to be a 6.00 am swim in the 100ft outdoor pool surrounded by the massive Teton mountain range, and icy hair in the minus 25˚C atmosphere. Our 3 More Inches Treatment System performed brilliantly of course, leaving hair full, flexible, shiny and easy to manage.

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